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If the technical representative you are looking for is unavailable, don't hesitate to talk to another one of our very capable reps. All of our technical reps can assist customers on the products we sell regardless of their individual area of expertise.
One of many value-added services that separates Ray Murray Inc. from others involved in distributing products to our industry is an unending commitment to every aspect of Complete Customer Care. One important part of this commitment is Technical Service and Installation Support.
RMI offers a level of technical services and installation support that has become legendary in the industry. The primary goal of this team is to support the understanding and correct usage of all products RMI offers.
Our Technical Services Team has extensive product knowledge and understanding of the industry with backgrounds that span decades working directly with and/or installing product as well as understanding the theory behind its operation. They have installed, repaired, or solved troubleshooting problems on nearly every product RMI stocks.
Bulk Plant Relief Valves
Here at RMI, we stock bulk plant relief valves for different LPG and NH3 applications. From multiple 2 inch openings to 4”-300# flanged openings. Relief valves are sized to the surface area of the tank in square feet. Depending on the size of the tank, multiple relief valves may be required. Bulk plant relief valves should be inspected at a minimum annually. If poor conditions exist, it may be required sooner. Manufacturers have a replacement schedule of their relief valves and must be followed. Relief valves must be replaced based on the schedule or if inspection determines that they need replaced. If you have any questions about sizing or application, let us know and we will assist you in choosing the correct relief valve for the application.
Vaporization “Rule Of Thumb” For ASME Tanks
Source: Sherwood LPG Products Liquified Petroleum Gas Control Technician’s Guide The vaporization rate is a factor of (1) the temperature of the liquid and (2) the “wetted surface” area of the container. This applies to bulk installations equally as well as it does to cylinder systems.
In estimating the size tank required for any given load, it is necessary to decide on an average, or point at which the gas supplier will refill the tank. Of course, our minimum vaporation rate will occur when the liquid level is the lowest. On the assumption that the tank will be refilled when the liquid level drops to 1/3 the fuel capacity of the tank, the following table will give you a good “rule of thumb” guide for various temperatures.
Here is an example of how to use this “rule of thumb” for your bulk tanks: Suppose we had a tank 40″ in diameter and 105″ long and our worst winter temperature was 0 degrees F. The tank rarely drops below the 1/3 full mark. Would this tank under these circumstances, supply a continuous load of 350,000 BTUs an hour?
The “rule of thumb” would tell us that it would supply this load requirement 40″ (D) X 105″ (U) X 90 (taken from the table above, opposite 0 degrees F) = 378,000 BTUs.